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Showing results 59 to 78 of 464
1903The history of Lumsdens HorsePearse, Henry H. S.
1893The life and correspondence af Arthur Penrhyn Stanley D. D.Prothero, Rowland Edmunt
1877The life and explorations of Davis Livingstone-
1889The life and letters of Lord MacualayTrevelyan, George Otto
1882The life and speeches of right honourable John Bright M. P.Smith, Barnett George
1895The life of J. M. W. TurnerHamerton, Philip Gilbert
1867The life of Thomas Telford civil engineerSmiles, Samuel
1914The life story of Evelyn S. HallMoody, Paul Dwight
1911The origin of speciesDarwin, Charles
1901The origin of speciesDarwin, Charles
1911The physical nature of the childRowe, Stuart Henry
1902The poetry of plantsMacmillan, Hugh
1913The principles of scienceJevons, William Stanley
1919The resolution of the balcan questionΜαζαράκης Αινιάν, Ι.Κ
1918The science of every-day life PhysicsAbbott, E. C.
1902The story of architectureWaterhouse, Leslie Percy
1891The story of heavesBall, Robert Stawell
1907The true story of my lifeDiehl, Alice Mangold
1889Traite complet de Medicine elecrto-homeopathiquePonzio, P.
1886Types of ethical theoryMartineau, James
Showing results 59 to 78 of 464
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