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Showing results 9 to 28 of 464
1907Cardinal NewmanMeynell, Wilfid
1863Catalogue of British birdsGray, George Robert
1895Charles KingsleyKingsley, Charles
1835; 1832Constitution, loix, ordonnances des assemblees nationales des corps legislatifs et du president de la Grece-
1907Co operative bankingWolff, Henry William
1875De la quantite des metaux precieuxΒερναρδάκης, Αθανάσιος Ν.
1909Die Bible oder die ganze Helige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments nach der deutschenLuther, Martin
1918Eastern explorationFlinders, Petrie
1905; 1901Edward FitzGeraldBenson, Arthur Christopher
1915Elefterios VenizelosBarstow, Beatrice
1901Five years of my lifeDreyfus, Alfred
1901Froebel and education by self-activityBowen, Courthope H.
1876Geography and atlas-
1908George BorrowWalling, Robert Alfred John
1949Greece's demographic problem-
1879Griechische palaographieGardthausen, Victor
1909Guide de DelphesΚεραμόπουλος, Αντώνιος
1906Hermann von HelmholtzKoenigsberger, Leo
1912Historical studies in philosophyBoutroux, Emile
1902History of musicHunt, Bonavia
Showing results 9 to 28 of 464
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