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Showing results 26 to 45 of 464
1906Hermann von HelmholtzKoenigsberger, Leo
1912Historical studies in philosophyBoutroux, Emile
1902History of musicHunt, Bonavia
1889History of the conquest of MexicoFoster Kirk, John
1898Industrial democracyWebb, Beatrice Potter
1839Itineraire de Paris a JerusalemChateaubriand
1918L' armee hellenique en MacedoineColonel, Μ.
1891Leaves of a lifeWilliams, Montagu Q. C.
1844Life and correspondence of Thomas ArnoldPenrhyn, Stanley Arthur
1883Local governmentChalmers, Mackenzie Dalzell
1903MazarinHassall, Arthur
1896Memoir of Edward Craven HawtreyThacheray, Francis John St.
1889Memoirs of the rev. James Fraser of BreaFraser, James
1903Notes on arithmetical theoryYoung, Jacob William Albert
1880Notice biographique sur Leonidas PalaskaΜελετόπουλος, Χαρίλαος Δ.
1909Nouveau dictionnaire de poche francais et allemandFeller, Friedrich Ernst
1884Outlines of roman lawGreene, Whitcombe Thomas
1909Parenthood and race cultureSaleeby, Caleb Williams
1866Patrologiae cursus completusMigne, Jacques Paul
1867Poesies nouvellesMusset, Alfred de
Showing results 26 to 45 of 464
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